Monday, December 30, 2013

Before we get started - Motivations and Expectations

Today is the last day of the year, and I have a rather daunting task at hand. A week off from work, with absolutely nothing to do. I could stay at home, binge watch the new show Blacklist or just laze around. However, lately, I've been haunted by the guilt and the remorse of squandering the opportunity of moving to Tokyo. And even if I am not that competitive anymore, I know I can do better.

In order to avoid the pitfall of losing focus or giving up too early, I need a few things.

 1.What's the Motivation - Meet more people, explore Japan more, have more interesting conversations, make friends, eventually get a social life outside work

2. How strong - Might not benefit my Career in short run but could reinvigorate my interest to stay in Japan longer. Tired of spending time in and out office and gym. Tired of looking dazed and lost in both social and business meetings.

3. What will it take - Concentration, hours of studying and practice

4. Success - Be able to hold a social conversation by myself. Give a presentation in Japanese at work.

5. Wager - Leave Japan by Year End if I fail again. Succumb to Parents' pressure and get married.

Don't want to be too hard on myself. Let's also set some clear expectations

1. It will take time. Be patient and keep putting in the effort
2. Goal is to have simple social conversations by EoY, not to give a speech or write a book
3. Don't feel shy to practice
4. Don't feel shy to ask for help

Now time to get started.

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